Dust-Mail - A simple and fast email client

A simple and fast email client for the web and desktop, built using React, Tauri and Nestjs.


What is Dust-Mail?

Dust-Mail is an email client for the web, desktop and soon to be mobile, that can connect to any imap or smtp mail server. For example if you have a Microsoft @outlook.com address, you can login by using your username and password. Google login is also supported, by using an oauth login. Currently there is no support for Pop3, JMAP or Protonmail, but there are plans to add this in the future.

Why use Dust-Mail?

Dust-Mail is an open-source, free and ad-free email client, providing full insight to the end user on what is happening to your data. Even though Dust-Mail uses a client-server architecture, you can, with relative ease, choose to host the server on your own hardware, further increasing this control over your own data. Furthermore, it is (will be) a fully featured email client supporting all the protocols/email services that one could want.
Are you enjoying Dust-Mail? Consider making a donation.

How do I set it up?

If you don't care about where your data gets stored, you can use the web hosted version, but for more advanced users, I would recommend setting up a Dust-Mail server of your own. To do so, check out the docs.



Thank you to everyone who is/was sponsoring the project <3!